The Nile Logo
The Nile logo is offered in two variations to support all use cases. Please assure to utilize the correct version when representing the Nile brand.
Always ensure an appropriate amount of contrast
between the logo and the background.
Color Palette
Below is Nile’s official color palette. These colors work together to create a cohesive visual identity that resonates with our audience and enhances our brand's presence. Avoid deviating from this color palette.
Primary Colors
Hex #FF0092
RGB 255, 0, 146
CMYK 0, 100, 43, 0
Hex #1E57F7
RGB 30, 87, 247
CMYK 85, 63, 0, 3
Hex #0E1113
RGB 14, 17, 30
CMYK 54, 43, 0, 88
RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0
Hex #163498
RGB 22, 52, 152
CMYK 84, 62, 0, 46
Hex #2BF9EB
RGB 43, 249, 235
CMYK 83, 0, 6, 2
Hex #262834
RGB 38, 40, 52
CMYK 27, 23, 0, 80
Hex #565861
RGB 86, 88, 97
CMYK 11, 9, 0, 62
Hex #6E7078
RGB 110, 112, 120
CMYK 8, 7, 0, 53
Hex #86888E
RGB 134, 136, 142
CMYK 6, 4, 0, 44
Hex #B6B7BB
RGB 182, 183, 187
CMYK 3, 2, 0, 27
Hex #E6E7E8
RGB 230, 231, 232
CMYK 1, 0, 0, 9
Header Typeface
Our primary and secondary header typeface is Gabarito, a Google font that is readily available. The primary use for Gabarito is in the bold weight, but can be used in light weight in certain situations.
Body Typeface
Our primary body typeface is Rubik, a Google font that is readily available. The primary use for Rubik for screens and longform text.
Graphic Elements
Nile Data Rain
Nile’s proprietary data rain imagery is used to convey the idea of data rushing through our network and filtering to your device.