I promise this blog is not a sales pitch; the goal is to discuss the future of our jobs as network engineers. For nearly three decades, I’ve witnessed how network and security solutions have evolved to meet BYOD, hybrid work, and evolving and more sophisticated threats. At each step, we were asked to learn something new and, in most instances, make it all work with legacy solutions.

Now, with the rapid progress of cloud-based applications, security solutions, and AI, the landscape is shifting again. What this means for network engineers is a constant stream of learning and making old and new work together. It may be time to embrace getting help managing familiar yet time-consuming technologies like wired and wireless LANs so that time can be spent elsewhere. It sounds logical, but not everyone sees the benefits right away, so let’s explore.

I’ll start with a personal story to help illustrate my last comment. Soon after I joined Nile as a Solutions Architect, a role similar to a traditional systems engineer (SE), I tried our technical pitch on a former customer (now a friend) from whom I knew I would get honest feedback. After showing that Nile eliminates many manual and repetitive engineering and operational tasks through AI and automation, I was surprised by some unexpected resistance: “Mike, I’m never bringing this to my management.” My friend was concerned that adopting these groundbreaking technologies would render his role obsolete.

It was a sentiment rooted in fear – the fear of being replaced by automation, the fear of losing one’s professional identity, the fear of losing one’s livelihood. It’s understandable when workers in any profession grapple with technological advancements. However, what my friend failed to see—and what I want to emphasize today—is that next-generation networks aren’t about eliminating jobs; they’re about transforming them with the introduction of modern capabilities and tools.

Recently, innovative companies have found success taking a long-established product (like the automobile), boiling it down to the core things that define it (what makes a car a “car”?), and then wrapping it in modern technology for increased reliability and value.

Founded by industry luminaries, including former Cisco CEO John Chambers, Nile is on track to be the next great networking company by applying a fresh approach to the traditional method of selecting, building, and maintaining a modern network.

Shortly after founding Nile in 2018, our team targeted the top 100 reported network issues with the ambitious goal of achieving ‘Zero Network Tickets.’ We developed a new architecture to prevent the most common problems from arising altogether.

  • Eliminated Layer-2 entirely, removing VLANs and loops
  • Implemented end-to-end encryption for every client to ensure packet integrity
  • Built-in per-host micro-segmentation to halt malware instantly
  • Integrated AI networking to eradicate human configuration errors, manage basic network maintenance, and optimize the network continuously (24x7x365)

The entire network operates seamlessly without requiring box-by-box configuration, additional software on endpoints, changes to user behavior, or significant Capex investments. Given these advantages, it’s clear why organizations worldwide are now recognizing the benefits of these changes.


At Nile, our platform leverages the cloud and AI to deliver a seamless network service. As a Nile coworker brilliantly summarized, “We are taking away all the tasks that engineers don’t put on their resumes, allowing them to focus on accomplishments they can put on their resumes.”

Engineers can now spend less time maintaining and troubleshooting their networks and instead focus on helping the business use the network to advance strategic initiatives.

How can we adapt to these changes? By embracing cloud technologies, AI, and a modern way to operate their networks, engineers can take advantage of upskilling opportunities to become invaluable strategic assets to the business. At Nile, we’re committed to supporting engineers on this journey. Our platform and programs deliver networking “superpowers” that are helping engineers develop the emerging skills needed to thrive in the new era of networking. Network engineers can leverage modern network architectures to their advantage, and we’re here to help engineers unlock their full potential and chart a course for success.

Rather than fearing AI and automation, engineers should acknowledge its existence and embrace it as a catalyst for professional development and innovation. The first step is to sit down with your management team and ask where they see the company in a few years, where they see you in a few years, and where they see the industry going. If you hear about the need to embrace AI, improve the user experience, and how to do more with less, you should take the opportunity to envision how to change to meet those needs.

So, I urge you to consider my message carefully. The evolution of network operations is inevitable. Embrace the opportunities modern network technologies offer and redefine your value to the organization by concentrating on mission-critical initiatives instead of manually changing VLANs on ports, tuning RF parameters, and tracking down coverage holes.

It’s time to discover and embrace what could be the next great thing to put on your resume.

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